Houston Fire Department Cadets to Receive $5,000 Incentive for Joining The Department

A newly implemented $5,000 incentive pay program will go into effect for HFD Cadet classes beginning April 2023 and will include future HFD classes through December 2024.
Mayor Sylvester Turner and Houston City Council approved the incentive program to support and help boost HFD cadet recruitment.
“In a competitive labor marked, this incentive will assist the Houston Fire Department to compete with other departments in the industry and continue to attract the most qualified applicants,” said Houston Fire Chief Samuel Peña.
HFD expects 569 cadets to be affected by the incentive program. The first group of cadets are scheduled to receive their incentive pay in April 2023.
Cadets starting in the academy after April 2023 will receive the incentive in two stages:
• Academy Start: $2,500 to be paid within the 4th month of the training period.
• Completion: $2,500 to be paid during the 8th month of training or approximately 2 weeks prior to graduation
The employee must have demonstrated satisfactory performance and attendance based upon the department’s policies and procedures concerning review standards.
For more information about becoming a Houston Firefighter visit www.hfdcareers.org.